Miss America’s Outstanding Teen Nominated for Prestigious  “Be More Award”

 Miss America’s Outstanding Teen is proud to announce that we have been nominated for a WEDU Be More Award.
Each year, this multifaceted program celebrates the human spirit and showcases the best work by nonprofit organizations in West Central Florida and the individuals that support them.
MAOTeen has been nominated for the Be More Humble
Warren Averett People’s Choice Award. This award is driven by an online poll with votes from the general public. This prestigious award exhibits the connection and relationship the organization has with the community and the people it serves by allowing citizens to honor the nonprofit that they feel most exemplifies the spirit of the community.

Please click HERE to vote!

You can cast your vote until Wednesday, December 7, 2016 at noon and you may vote once per 24 hours.
Be sure to use #WEDUBeMore whenever possible so that your posts can be tracked and shared!
About Miss America’s Outstanding Teen
One of the nation’s leading achievement programs, the Miss America’s Outstanding Teen organization encourages positive achievement by helping to nurture and build the scholastic achievement, creative accomplishment, healthy living and community involvement of our nation’s youth. In the past decade, MAOTeen has paid out nearly $1 million in cash scholarships to more than 200 colleges and universities, while developing mentoring programs and community-based initiatives across the country. MAOTeen has a long-standing relationship with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, raising more than $100,000 this year to help improve the lives of children nationwide. Additional information about the Miss America’s Outstanding Teen organization can be found at www.maoteen.org.
