PageantCast Mail Bag: 10/18/20

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:


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Let’s talk about women supporting women for a moment 👑 The pageant community here in Australia is quite small compared to that on the International scheme of it all. It’s come to my knowledge today that bullying within the pageant community is currently an issue and it’s simply not acceptable at any age! I have absolutely dealt with this issue throughout some of my pageant days and have often suppressed talking about it. My way of rising above the haters and naysayers is to simply ignore and move on. But enough is enough! There is a stigma around pageants but I can truly say that pageantry has helped me gain confidence, resilience and helped instil the value of hard work, all positive traits I have been able to carry across every area of my life personally and professionally. The girls and women I have met through pageantry are not only beautiful on the outside but have hearts of gold and work tirelessly within our communities, for charity, volunteering and fund raising across the board for many well deserved causes. Let’s stand together regardless of age, sex, gender, religion, race or beliefs and say NO to bullying! Yes we all want to win the big shiny crown but there is so much more that every single boy and girl can take away from being on the pageant stage. Stay classy. Stay true to you and be kind!! #queensunite #kingsunite #saynotobullying #glittersquad #pageantgirl #pageantqueen #pageantsaustralia #pageantsusa I nominate the queens I’ve tagged to follow suit in spreading this message and for us to stand as one ❤

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PageantCast Mail Bag: 10/18/20