Author Archives: admintkpnpodcast

PageantCast Mail Bag: 02/02/2020

Happy Ground Hog Day!

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:


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PageantCast Mail Bag: 01/26/2020

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:


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RADIAN: Ohio Doom/Sludge Merchants Featuring Former Members Of Fistula, Rue, And Sofa King Killer To Release Debut Full-Length Next Month; New Track Streaming + Preorders Available

Akron, Ohio-based doom/sludge metal merchants RADIAN — featuring former members of Fistula, Rue, and Sofa King Killer — will unleash their devastating debut full-length, Chapters, next month.

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Dead On Movie Reviews – January 21, 2020

Originally aired on 01/21/2020

Welcome to 2020, baby! We have some…well, movies…tonight both from AMAZON PRIME. By the names, your only question will be is it so bad it is good or just so bad.

We were down a few panelists so for those of you that wanted a quick 30 minute show…here it is!!!

Tonight’s Reviews:

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Dead On Movie Reviews – January 21, 2020


AEW: DYNAMITE Extended Through 2023 WarnerMedia Greenlights New AEW Series

AEW: DYNAMITE on TNT is a Top 20 New Cable Unscripted Series and has Reached Nearly 32 Million Viewers Across All Platforms in Only Three Months

Watch the New Trailer:

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Astronomicon 3 Pop Culture Convention has many great guests

Additional Guests Include Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Creator Kevin Eastman, Wrestling Superstar Amy Dumas (“Lita”), Hockey Legend Darren McCarty and Many More!

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PageantCast Mail Bag: 01/09/2020

Miss Multiverse Edition

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:

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Miss Multiverse Ukraine; Alyona Smirnova Officially Crowned Miss Multiverse 2019 Miss Multiverse is a personality contest and Reality TV program that stands for; "Achievement Beyond Beauty" Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, December 19, 2019 Miss Multiverse Ukraine; Alyona Smirnova was crowned Miss Multiverse 2019 at the Theater of the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. be broadcasted Q2 2020 Miss Multiverse 2019; Alyona Smirnova won many challenges during the 3-week world finals of Miss Multiverse such as Last Woman Standing, Business Challenge, Charity Challenge and did great at many more. She was crowned by Miss Multiverse 2018 Diana Kubasova from Latvia. Final Results; WINNER Miss Multiverse: Miss Ukraine: Alyona Smirnova (miss charity – miss business – last woman standing) 1st RU Miss Italy- Alice Veglio (miss social media – miss debate) 2nd RU Miss Moldova – Aliona Chitoroaga (miss friendship – miss networker) 3rd RU Miss France – Nadiya Karplyuk (miss positivity) 4th RU Miss Latvia – Kate Alexeeva (Miss photogenic) 5th RU Miss America – Shelby Howell (miss intelligence) 6th RU Miss Iceland- Disa Dungal (Miss fitness) 7th RU Miss Peru – Karen Isabel Rojas (miss entertainment) 8th RU Miss Russia – Aygul Zaripova (Miss catwalk) 9th RU Miss Belarus – Kseniya Osovitskaya (miss bikini) 10th RU Miss Canada – Mina Khtaria 11tg RU Miss Belgium – Josephine Charlotte Lecluyse 12th RU Miss Poland – doris de palo 13th RU Miss Finland – Kateriina Juselius 14th RU Miss Lithuania – Karolina Karalaite (eliminated) 15th RU Miss Germany – Maren Tschinkel (health issues) 16th RU Miss Spain; Desiree Hampton (eliminated) Never made it to the contest; Miss China – Yuan Zhenzhen Miss Kazakhstan – Bibamariyam Duisebekova Miss Romania – Anastasia Cova Miss Zambia – Matildah Maymuna Miss Czech Republic – Lenka Josefiova Miss Mexico – Georgina Vargas. @hrhcpuntacana @dominicantreehousevillage @ramonahaar @cocobongoshow @liindagrandia @alyona_smirnova_miss #missmultiverse

A post shared by Miss Multiverse (@missmultiverse) on


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PageantCast Mail Bag: 01/06/2020

Illinois=International Edition

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:


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PageantCast Mail Bag: 01/05/2020

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:


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Miss Universe beats Miss America in ratings!

Zozibini Tunzi, Miss Universe South Africa 2019 is Miss Universe
Zozibini Tunzi, Miss Universe South Africa 2019 is congratulated by fellow contestants after being crowned Miss Universe at the conclusion of The MISS UNIVERSE® Competition on FOX at 7:00 PM ET on Sunday, December 8, 2019 live from Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta. The new winner will move to New York City where she will live during her reign and become a spokesperson for various causes alongside The Miss Universe Organization. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

I have an interesting pair of articles I am linking below. It shows Miss Universe actually having more viewers than Miss America despite being shown very near each other and this never having happened before. Like ever. New lowest ratings ever for MAO also while being heavily promoted by NBC on their Christmas programming including the Rockefeller Christmas tree lighting and Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

I guess the pageant beat the scholarship program. Who would have guessed?