Author Archives: admintkpnpodcast

PageantCast Mail Bag: 07/04/19

We trust you are having a great Independence Day for those of you from the United States! Stay safe this July 4th!

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:


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Happy Fourth of July from MAO

Miss America Embarks on USO Tour 

Happy Birthday, America!

This July 4th, not only are we grateful for our nation’s independence, but we are also grateful for all of the men and women who are members of our armed forces. As they continue to put their lives on the line to preserve the freedoms we all enjoy, we celebrate and thank them for their selflessness. How is Miss America doing that? Nia has embarked on the USO Tour this Fourth of July!  We are so excited to once again have this opportunity to thank our members of the military, and from our Miss America family to yours, we hope you have a happy and safe holiday with friends and family!

Source: MAO Email

Michael Nicholas II’s MAO Twitter Updates

Michael Nicholas II ( ) has been PROLIFIC in his updates regarding MAO news. He thoughtfully tags me, so I thought I would not only retweet them, but give you a dose of them here.

Miss America Updates…

Updates from Nia…

Over the last several months, I have been able to participate in some truly incredible events in my role as Miss America. Back in February, I was in Orlando for the Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend in support of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Not only did I present awards to the Half Marathon winners, but I ran a 5k myself! I made new friends like Bella, a survivor of a double heart and lung transplant, who inspires so many and is a CMNH Miracle Child. Bella helped me hold the tape at the end of the finish line for the runners. A few weeks later during Children’s Hospital’s week in Orlando, I spent time with Bella and her family once again. Bella is a CMNH champion, and she has a terrific and supportive family! Another highlight for me was performing my new song, “Love” exclusively for Bella and all of her Miracle Child friends, too!

In March, I traveled back to my home state of North Carolina where I attended the Miss Capital City local competition (the very first local I won back in 2016). Then, I went to our nation’s capital where I sang “Hero” by Mariah Careyand the National Anthem at the USO Annual Awards Dinner. March ended with a bang in Antigua, where I spoke at the Annual Women’s Empowerment Brunch founded by Derri-Ann Browne. Right after Antigua, I was back home in New York, where I hosted the New York Philharmonic’s “Phil the Hall,” which aims to provide music exposure to new and diverse audiences. I couldn’t have predicted a more perfect concert to host because it aligns perfectly with my social impact initiative, Advocating for the Arts. After that, I held a residency with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra! During their Parks Series, I performed the Star-Spangled Banner, Summertime, and America the Beautiful with their live orchestra. Wow!

After attending the Miss New York and Georgia Competitions (congratulations, ladies!), I’m looking forward to all of the state competitions and meeting the amazing women who will make up the remainder of the Miss America class of 2020. This time will be bittersweet, though, because once the new class is on board this means that my year does have an expiration date. I don’t want to think about that yet because this year has been much more than I could have ever imagined! However, I know that it’s important to continue soaking in the many exciting opportunities that still lie ahead.

Stay tuned!

Source: Miss America Organization

Dead On Movie Reviews – June 25, 2019

Originally aired on 6/25/2019

Only three panelists…but that’s enough! Hang in there for a fast paced review of two recent films…and one movie a panelist is ashamed he has missed for so many years. You’ll be screaming for Mo’, Rutherford.

Tonight’s Reviews:

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Dead On Movie Reviews – June 25, 2019

PageantCast Mail Bag: 06/27/19

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:


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PageantCast Mail Bag: 6/21/19

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:


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Only One Week remains to join the current MAOTeen Sorority Class of 2019

Natalie Benson

Allie Nault

Jessica Baeder

Sara Al-Bazali

Kaitlyn Miller

Amanda Debus

Nicole Renard

Victoria Renard

Faith Street

Andolyn Medina

Elizabeth (Stolper) Falk

Tawni Orloski

Please consider joining the above members of the 2019 sorority in paying it forward to other young ladies just like yourselves.  Every participant on the MAOTeen stage receives at least $1000 just for participating.  That is $51,000 and we need your help to continue this tradition.

MAOTeen Sorority Members are featured in our Competition Magazine and are utilized in our marketing and promotional material throughout the year.

All current and former national, state and local titleholdersare able to choose one of three levels of membership.

Visit to join today!