Author Archives: admintkpnpodcast

PageantCast Mail Bag: 1/2/2019

First of the New Year!

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:

PageantCast Mail Bag: 12/26/18

Welcome to a Boxing Day edition of the PageantCast Mail Bag!

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:

Posted by Wendy Lindberg on Wednesday, December 19, 2018

PageantCast Mail Bag: 12/19/2018

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:

PageantCast Mail Bag: 12/12/18

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:

Safety Town

Police on the Scene with a Crime Prevention Lean Classic

Originally Released: 8/9/2011

Safety Town

Episode 227:
Janet Menz, Property Manager and Safety Town host, takes us for a walk through Safety Town…a place to teach children about road signs and places they can go to get help in an emergency.
Recorded at the Bayshore Safety Day in Glendale, WI

Become friends with J.D. Dhein and Police On The Scene! Visit our Facebook pages by clicking the links above!

Safety Town

Laura Buhmann, Ms. Illinois Galaxy 2008

PageantCast Classic

Original Release: 2008

Laura Buhmann, Ms. Illinois Galaxy 2008

This week’s show:

  1. Introduction by Megan Lyne
  2. Opening CommentsLive video for PageantCast in the future: (You can see it in archive right now)
  3. PROMO:
  4. Call us at 414-517-4908!
  5. Interview with Laura Buhmann, Ms. Illinois Galaxy 2008
  6. ID from Kasey Montgomery
  7. Reading from the Declaration of Independence
  8. ID from Jeannine Rosolie
  9. PODSAFE MUSIC: Done by Beth Thornley
  10. PROMO: Savvy Magazine
  11. PageantCast Contest: Drawing for “Catch a Dream” from Andrea Patrick Forte and – Drawing deadline to be announced…
  12. Upcoming Interviews!
  13. Interview with Laura Buhmann, Ms. Illinois Galaxy 2008
  14. ID from Paula Powell
  15. PageantCast Tattler
  16. Closing

For great content, week after week, subscribe to the PageantCast at

811 Diggers Hotline

Police on the Scene with a Crime Prevention Lean Classic

Originally Released: 7/26/2011

811 Diggers Hotline

Episode 225
Joe Wade, We Energies, tells us about 811. 811 is the national “Digger’s Hotline” or whatever they call it in your region. This is the number to call to alert all local utilities that you are about to plant a tree, put in a fence or pool, or dig for hidden treasure on your property so that they can mark where you ought not dig!
Recorded at the Bayshore Safety Day in Glendale, WI

Become friends with J.D. Dhein and Police On The Scene! Visit our Facebook pages by clicking the links above!

811 Diggers Hotline

Fire Bell Club

Police on the Scene with a Crime Prevention Lean Classic

Originally Released: 8/2/2011

Fire Bell Club

Episode 226

Gary Fedder, member of the Fire Bell Club, tells us about what the club does to make fire fighters more comfortable when attacking a blaze. I bet you didn’t even know such a club exists! It does, and it provides a fantastic service!
Recorded at the Bayshore Safety Day in Glendale, WI

Become friends with J.D. Dhein and Police On The Scene! Visit our Facebook pages by clicking the links above!

Fire Bell Club