Author Archives: admintkpnpodcast

Dead On Movie Reviews – 05/01/2018

Originally aired LIVE! on 05/01/2018

Tonight, we introduce a new guest panelist: Danielle Page! Unfortunately for her, she fits right in and keeps us in our place. It’s a lively 60 minutes of chills, thrills, and slasher kills this week on Dead On Movie Reviews!

Tonight’s Reviews:

The Open House (2018) The Babysitter 2017

Our guest panelist Danielle Page can be found at:

Check out us out on Facebook!

…and comment with us at our Facebook group, East Coast Horror Group!

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Theme by Mattrokr on Fiverr (

Kohl’s Cares Great Safety Adventure

Police on the Scene with a Crime Prevention Lean Classic

Originally Released: 6/5/2011

Kohl’s Cares Great Safety Adventure

Tim gets a tour of the Kohl’s Cares Great Safety Adventure setup at Bayshore Town Center Safety Day in Glendale, WI. We get a quick overview from George Cano with the Kohl’s Cares Great Safety Adventure. To find it in your area, consult

Become friends with J.D. Dhein and Police On The Scene! Visit our Facebook pages by clicking the links above!

Kohl’s Cares Great Safety Adventure

Sarah Seegert, Miss West Allis 2006 Autograph Card

Sarah Seegert, Miss West Allis 2006
Sarah Seegert, Miss West Allis 2006

Sarah Seegert, Miss West Allis 2006, was a very great friend and I cherish this autograph card!

If you would like your autograph card featured here on a future Thursday with the PageantCast Vault, autograph your card and either scan it and send it to or contact me at the same email and I’ll send you the physical address to mail it to me.

PageantCast Mail Bag: 05/02/2018

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:

#misssouthflorida @pageantcast

A post shared by Miss South Florida (@misssouthfloridapageant) on

Never gets old 😉👑

A post shared by Anji Zajicek Meidel (@anjizajicek) on

It's our pleasure to introduce you to your new Miss Wisconsin United States titleholders! Little Miss Wisconsin United States, Joslyn Larson Miss Preteen Wisconsin United States, Rubie Stetzer Miss Junior Teen Wisconsin United States, Mya Petersen Miss Teen Wisconsin United States, Amber Wells Miss Wisconsin United States, Marissa Lynn Ms. Wisconsin United States, Victoria Rodriguez Ms. Woman Wisconsin United States, Shantel Kristian Can't wait to guide these ladies for the next year, and we are so proud of the entire group of contestants from this year. They have all been spectacular to work with and I can't wait to see them continue to further themselves through their local titles as well! ❤👑 We have so many people to thank and will definitely have a longer post for that, but one big shoutout to our photographer Nick Houchin!!!

A post shared by Miss WI United States Pageants (@misswiuspageants) on

Join Michelle Weisheim, Mrs. Wisconsin United States 2018, this Sunday!

Join Michelle Weisheim, Mrs. Wisconsin United States 2018, this Sunday at Kelly’s Bleachers in Wind Lake, WI (7805 S. Loomis Road) for a silent auction from 1 to 4 pm featuring the Jackie Brown Band! Free entry and kids are welcome to this wonderful event! You even get to meet the reigning Mrs. Wisconsin United States 2018 as she supports her platform, Infinitely More.

Infinitely More Poster

MAOTeen Competition Tickets On-Sale

Tickets for the 2018 Miss America’s Outstanding Teen Competition will go on sale April 23rd @ 10am! Prime seating will go fast, so order your tickets at 10am to get the best seats in town!
Tickets are not available for sale through the Miss America’s Outstanding Teen organization. They will ONLY be available through ETix;
The Miss America’s Outstanding Teen Competition will be held July 24, 25, 26 and 28th, 2018 at the Linda Chapin Theater in the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida.
All Sections- $50* for each Preliminary Night,
                     $95* for Final Night or
                     $185* for season tickets.
There will be no Will Call booth in Orlando, so you must order your tickets through ETix and print them at home OR have the tickets shipped to you.
*Standard ETix rates and charges apply.
$50 + $6.13 Etix Fee
$95 + $7.36 Etix Fee
$185 + $13.09 Etix Fee

Locking Bar

Police on the Scene with a Crime Prevention Lean Classic

Originally Released: 1/1/12

Locking Bar

Episode 232
J.D. Dhein describes how to use this simple locking bar to help secure your home or anywhere you are that has a door, but not necessarily a lock.
Get yours here:

Become friends with J.D. Dhein and Police On The Scene! Visit our Facebook pages by clicking the links above!

Locking Bar

Susan Bawlick Pagan and Caroline Wade Autograph Card


Susan Bawlick Pagan, Mrs. Hemisphere International 2016 and Caroline Wade, Ms. Hemisphere International 2016
Susan Bawlick Pagan, Mrs. Hemisphere International 2016 and Caroline Wade, Ms. Hemisphere International 2016

sent me this card. This pageant has morphed into the Transcontinental pageants out of Atlanta, GA.

If you would like your autograph card featured here on a future Thursday with the PageantCast Vault, autograph your card and either scan it and send it to or contact me at the same email and I’ll send you the physical address to mail it to me.

PageantCast Mail Bag: 4/25/18

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:

From Facebook:

Today's International Women's pageant 2017 Ms. Elite Illinois
Today’s International Women’s pageant 2017 Ms. Elite Illinois


CEO Liinda Grandia At Incheon city wolmido #greattime

A post shared by Miss Multiverse (@missmultiverse) on

Dead On Movie Reviews – 04/17/2018

Originally aired on 04/17/2018

Without any adult supervision or a guest panelist, we run down some great new movies and one classic on this week’s episode. We learn the French language, zombies have a bias toward Chinese acrobats and the correct way to kill monkeys that creep up on you with a razor. Tune in!

Tonight’s Reviews:



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…and comment with us at our Facebook group, East Coast Horror Group!

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Theme by Mattrokr on Fiverr (