Author Archives: admintkpnpodcast

Chelsea Cooley, Miss USA 2005

PageantCast Classic

Original Release: 2006

Chelsea Cooley, Miss USA 2005

This week’s show:
  1. Introduction by Stephanie Daughenbaugh (now Mrs. Stephanie Piller – Congratulations!!)
  2. Opening Notes
  3. AMAZING-a-Tron!
    Blog: Every Solider is someone’s neighbor
    Gianna Simmons, Mrs. Alaska International
  4. PSA: 2010 Census
  5. Interview with Chelsea Cooley, Miss USA 2005
  6. Saryna Ritter ID
  7. Audio Feedback: Kristina Hughes ( )
  8. Today’s Sponsor:
    Promo Codes:
    Pag8: 10% off any order not already discounted
    Pag9: $5 off $30 or more on any items not already discounted
    Pag10: .COM domain name for $7.49
    For details, see
  9. Thank you for participating in the PageantCast!
  10. PODSAFE MUSIC courtesy of Music Alley
    Bright Red Chords by Loomis and the Lust
  11. Pageants on Television: Miss USA 2010
  12. PROMO: Voice lessons with Karmyn Tyler –
    Remember to mention the PageantCast for a discount!
  13. Interview with Chelsea Cooley, Miss USA 2005
  14. Call in to the PageantCast: 414-517-4908
  15. PageantCast Newsdesk
  16. Closing

For great content, week after week, subscribe to the PageantCast at


Chelsea Cooley, Miss USA 2005

Kristen Dalton, Miss USA 2009

PageantCast Classic

Original Release: 2009

Kristen Dalton, Miss USA 2009

  1. Introduction by Christy Stucker
  2. Opening Notes
    New Forum:
    Miss USA website
  3. AMAZING-a-Tron!
    Blog: Laine Berry Taking Wellness to Heart: the life of an advocate
  4. Call in to the PageantCast: 414-517-4908
  5. Interview with Kristen Dalton, Miss USA 2009
    Photo Gallery
  6. PSA: Joy Wadsworth, Alabama’s 40′s (BOA)
    Miracle League
  7. Thank you for participating in the PageantCast!
  8. PROMO: SchwagCast
  9. PODSAFE MUSIC courtesy of Music Alley
    The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage by Panic At The Disco
  10. Briana Lipor ID
  11. Today’s Sponsor:
    Promo Codes: for 35 free music downloads
    For details, see
  12. Interview with Kristen Dalton, Miss USA 2009
  13. PSA: McGruff Crime Prevention courtesy of National Crime Prevention Council
  14. PageantCast Newsdesk
  15. JoAnna Yvorchuk ID
  16. Closing

For great content, week after week, subscribe to the PageantCast at


Kristen Dalton, Miss USA 2009

Hayley Mac, Miss Galaxy International 2010

PageantCast Classic

Original Release: 2010

Hayley Mac, Miss Galaxy International 2010

This week’s show:
  1. Introduction by Darlene Deeben

  2. Hayley Mac, Miss Galaxy International 2010
    Opening Note
    TFTJ for pageant news, people!
  3. Interview with Hayley Mac , Miss Galaxy International 2010
    Websites: /
    Photo Gallery
  4. Kristina Smaby ID
  5. Today’s Sponsor:
    Promo Codes:
    Pag5: 10% off any order not already discounted
    Pag6: $5 off $30 or more on any items not already discounted
    Pag7: .COM domain name for $7.49
    For details, see
  6. PROMO: Pageant Talk Radio with Valerie Hayes
  7. Audio Feedback: Shannon Morgan
  8. PODSAFE MUSIC courtesy of
    I Don’t Know What To Tell You by 100 Year Picnic
  9. PageantCast Contest : Drawing for a listing on
  10. PSA: McGruff Crime Prevention courtesy of National Crime Prevention Council
  11. Interview with Hayley Mac , Miss Galaxy International 2010
  12. Janice McQueen-Ward ID
  13. Closing

For great content, week after week, subscribe to the PageantCast at


Hayley Mac, Miss Galaxy International 2010

Jamillette Gaxiola, Miss Cuba 2009

PageantCast Classic

Original Release: 2009

Jamillette Gaxiola, Miss Cuba 2009

This week’s show:
  1. Introduction by Victoria Tomlinson
  2. Opening Notes
  3. Interview with Jamillette Gaxiola, Miss Cuba 2009
    Photo Gallery
  4. Call in to the PageantCast: 414-517-4908
  5. ID by Angelique Harville
  6. Today’s Sponsor:
    Promo Codes: for 35 free music downloads
    For details, see
  7. PSA: McGruff Crime Prevention courtesy of National Crime Prevention Council
  8. PODSAFE MUSIC: courtesy of Ariel Publicity
    More Than Anything by David Packouz
  9. ID by Briana Lipor
  10. Interview with Jamillette Gaxiola, Miss Cuba 2009
  11. Results from Pageants
  12. Closing

For great content, week after week, subscribe to the PageantCast at


Jamillette Gaxiola, Miss Cuba 2009

Dawn Brinkley, Mrs. North Carolina United States 2010

PageantCast Classic

Original Release: 6/21/2011

Dawn Brinkley, Mrs. North Carolina United States 2010

This week’s show:
  1. Introduction by Wendi Russo
  2. Opening Notes including announcements about PageantCast LIVE!
  3. Interview with Dawn Brinkley, Mrs. North Carolina United States 2010
  4. Trinity Prescott: Call in and text to the PageantCast: 262-757-8576
  5. Please support the PageantCast by shopping on Amazon
  6. PageanTexT – Text to 262-757-8576 to get your message on the AIR!
  7. Congratulations on 300 episodes! Thanks to all!
  8. Interview with Dawn Brinkley, Mrs. North Carolina United States 2010
  9. Chelsea Cooley ID
  10. AMAZING-a-Tron!
    Blog: Lu Parker, Miss USA 1994
  11. Closing

For great content, week after week, subscribe to the PageantCast at


Dawn Brinkley, Mrs. North Carolina United States 2010

In Memory of Miss America 1940 Frances Burke Kenney

Frances 5.jpg

Atlantic City, NJ (March 6, 2018) –  The Miss America Organization  honors the memory of Miss America 1940 Frances Burke Kenney, who passed away in her home at the age of 95. Frances hailed from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and entered the Miss America Competition as Miss Philadelphia. After winning the Miss America title, Frances worked as a successful model. Despite opportunities in Hollywood, she chose to stay close to her family in Philadelphia.

Frances is survived by her loving husband of 72 years Lawrence Kenney, she was a devoted mother of her daughters, Missy Kenney and Wendy Kenney, and sons, Lawrence and William, and had 10 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.

Source: The Miss America Organization
The Miss America Organization, a 501(c)4 non-profit organization, oversees a national network of 51 organizations, including all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Miss America contestants contribute tens of thousands of community service hours annually and have raised over $17 million for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and Miss America scholarships since 2007.

Hayley Jordan Dorsett, Mrs. Knox County Indiana 2018


Hayley Jordan Dorsett, Mrs. Knox County Indiana 2018

  • Interview with Hayley Jordan Dorsett, Mrs. Knox County Indiana 2018


recorded with Skype and XSplit on 3/21/2018

PageantCast Vault: Katie Ekern, Miss Onalaska 2006 Autograph Card

Katie Ekern, Miss Onalaska 2006

Katie Ekern, Miss Onalaska 2006Received this one while attending Miss Wisconsin (preliminary to Miss America).

If you would like your autograph card featured here on a future Thursday with the PageantCast Vault, autograph your card and either scan it and send it to or contact me at the same email and I’ll send you the physical address to mail it to me.

PageantCast Mail Bag: 03/21/2018

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:

Annastasia Anderson, Ms. World 2007

PageantCast Classic

Original Release: 2007

Annastasia Anderson, Ms. World 2007

Interview with Annastasia Anderson, Ms. World 2007
This week’s show:
  1. Opening Notes
  2. Pageants on Television
  3. Interview with Annastasia Anderson, Ms. World 2007
  4. Upcoming Interviews
  5. PODSAFE MUSIC: FLY FLY FLY by Adrina Thorpe
  6. Interview with Annastasia Anderson, Ms. World 2007
  7. Closing

For great content, week after week, subscribe to the PageantCast at