Author Archives: admintkpnpodcast

Sara Hoots, Miss Hooters International 2008

PageantCast Classic

Original Release: 2008

Sara Hoots, Miss Hooters International 2008

This week’s show:
  1. Introduction by Angelique Harville
  2. Opening Comments
    No trip to San Antonio; Miss American Beauty Pageant postponed
    I hate snow!
  3. PROMO: Voice lessons with Karmyn Tyler –
    Remember to mention the PageantCast for a discount!
  4. PageantCast Contest: Drawing for Pageant Interview Improvement Package by!
  5. PROMO:
  6. Interview with Sara Hoots, Miss Hooters International 2008
  7. PROMO: Savvy Magazine
  8. Call us at 414-517-4908!
  9. News from Turn for the Judges and TFTJ Café
  10. PROMO:
  11. PODSAFE MUSIC: Pretty Little Girl by The SilenTreatment
    courtesy of Ariel Publicity
  12. Interview with Sara Hoots, Miss Hooters International 2008
  13. PROMO: Ed’s Mixed Bag
  14. PageantCast Tattler
  15. Closing

For great content, week after week, subscribe to the PageantCast at

PageantCast Vault: Jennifer Naida Autograph Card

Jennifer Naida
Jennifer Naida

Past Mrs. Illinois International Jennifer Naida is a great friend and I received this autograph during her tenure in the title.

If you would like your autograph card featured here on a future Thursday with the PageantCast Vault, autograph your card and either scan it and send it to or contact me at the same email and I’ll send you the physical address to mail it to me.

Rachel Reilly, Ms. Planet Beach Nevada 2007

PageantCast Classic

Original Release: 2008

Rachel Reilly, Ms. Planet Beach Nevada 2007

This week’s show:
  1. Introduction by Hayley Eisenhardt
  2. Opening comments
  3. E-mail: TFTJ Cafe offers this week
  4. How to subscribe to then PageantCast
  5. Fun on the Phone! Interview with Barbara Thurston, director from NH-MA National Teenager
    Discussion of the new Miss division
  6. Taylor Stewart ID
  7. PROMO: Police on the Scene with a Crime Prevention Lean
  8. Interview with Rachel Reilly, Ms. Planet Beach Nevada 2007
  9. Pageant Extravaganza follow-up
    Photo Albums also available
  10. PROMO:
  11. Brittany Houle ID
  12. PODSAFE MUSIC: Just My Style – Live Version by Karmyn Tyler
  13. PROMO: Voice lessons with Karmyn Tyler
  14. News from Turn for the Judges
  15. Danielle Morris ID
  16. Interview with Rachel Reilly, Ms. Planet Beach Nevada 2007
  17. New call in line:n 414-517-4908
  18. PageantCast Tattler
  19. Some Pageant Results from outside the United States
  20. Closing

For great content, week after week, subscribe to the PageantCast at

Miss America Homecoming with Laura Kaeppeler, Miss America 2012 (part 2)

PageantCast Classic

Original Release: 04/22/2012

Miss America Homecoming with Laura Kaeppeler, Miss America 2012 (part 2)

PageantCast Gazette

On March 2nd, the Miss America Homecoming with Laura Kaeppeler, Miss America 2012 went to Mayfair Mall in Wauwatosa, WI. They had a fashion show for Express and spoke a few times about the benefits about the Miss America system. Caitlin Morrall, local TV personality and Miss Wisconsin USA 2007 who competed in the Miss America Organization for about half a decade, was the MC.
Included in the activities were the rest of top five at Miss America,
  • Miss Oklahoma, Betty Thompson
  • Miss New York, Kaitlin Monte
  • Miss Arizona, Jennifer Sedler
  • Miss California, Noelle Freeman
Also included were Miss Wisconsin’s Outstanding Teen 2011 Annie Jorgensen, Miss America’s Outstanding Teen 2012 Elizabeth Fechtel, and Miss America’s Outstanding Teen 2010 Jeanette Morelan.
It was filled with energy and excitement as the show went on and Laura actually got to celebrate her birthday after the event with her family who had all come to the event.

For great content, week after week, subscribe to the PageantCast at

PageantCast Vault: Rima Fakih, Miss USA 2010 Autograph Card

Rima Fakih, Miss USA 2010
Rima Fakih, Miss USA 2010

Rima Fakih, Miss USA 2010, was one of the Miss USA’s I met face to face and have interviewed. She was an energetic and fun personality to meet.

If you would like your autograph card featured here on a future Thursday with the PageantCast Vault, autograph your card and either scan it and send it to or contact me at the same email and I’ll send you the physical address to mail it to me.

Miss America Homecoming with Laura Kaeppeler, Miss America 2012 (part 1)

PageantCast Classic

Original Release: 04/22/2012

Miss America Homecoming with Laura Kaeppeler, Miss America 2012 (part 1)

PageantCast Gazette

On Thursday, March 1st, there was a homecoming celebration at Sharon Lynne Wilson Center in Brookfield, WI. Included in the activities were the rest of top five at Miss America,
  • Oklahoma, Betty Thompson
  • Miss New York, Kaitlin Monte
  • Miss Arizona, Jennifer Sedler
  • Miss California, Noelle Freeman
Also included were Miss Wisconsin’s Outstanding Teen 2011 Annie Jorgensen, Miss America’s Outstanding Teen 2012 Elizabeth Fechtel, Miss America’s Outstanding Teen 2010 Jeanette Morelan, and Miss Wisconsin 2011 Raeanna Johnson. In fact, on Thursday, Raenna was finally, officially, crowned the new Miss Wisconsin to rule for the remainder of the term through June 2012.
Each of the ladies performed their talent, including the actual competition talents they did in Vegas for the Top Five.

For great content, week after week, subscribe to the PageantCast at

Dead On Movie Reviews – 2/27/2018

Originally aired on 2/27/2018

Tonight gets out of hand way too quickly with our wonderful guest panelist, Lizzie Mears. The theme of the night, much to everyone’s astonishment, turned out to be urine. Why? Well, you have to see it to believe it. Or listen. Either way, we’re happy.

Tim also teaches Drew the correct way to say “Winchester.”

Tonight’s Reviews:

To purchase or stream in Amazon, please click one of the images below.

Guest Panelist Lizzie Mears can be followed at

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Maria “Mada” Daphne Tsagias Papdakos, Mrs. Globe 2006

PageantCast Classic

Original Release: Late 2006

Maria “Mada” Daphne Tsagias Papdakos, Mrs. Globe 2006

Interview with Maria “Mada” Daphne Tsagias Papdakos, Mrs. Globe 2006
This week’s show:
  1. Opening Notes
  2. Interview with Maria “Mada” Daphne Tsagias Papdakos, Mrs. Globe 2006
  3. PROMO: Home Safe 411
  4. PODSAFE MUSIC: Heartaches and Roses (SME Publishing) by Karmyn Tyler
  5. PageantCast Tattler
  6. Upcoming Interviews
  7. PROMO: Digital Flotsam
  8. Pageants on Television
  9. Interview with Maria “Mada” Daphne Tsagias Papdakos, Mrs. Globe 2006
  10. Closing

PageantCast Vault: Kimberly Pifer, Miss Madison Area 2006 Autograph Card

Kimberly Pifer, Miss Madison Area 2006

Kimberly Pifer, Miss Madison Area 2006

Kimberly Pifer, Miss Madison Area 2006
Kimberly Pifer, Miss Madison Area 2006

Kimberly Pifer, Miss Madison Area 2006, came on my program during the old days when I had the local Stimmung Stunde show. Note the vintage “” web address!

If you would like your autograph card featured here on a future Thursday with the PageantCast Vault, autograph your card and either scan it and send it to or contact me at the same email and I’ll send you the physical address to mail it to me.

PageantCast Mail Bag: 2/28/18

We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.

Here’s this week’s selection:


A post shared by Tracey de Leon (@deleon.tracey) on

I haven’t seen @erinmcphersonn since she won the @missmeteenusa pageant or had the opportunity to congratulate her in person. It was so nice to be able to do that last night as I got to meet up with her and her mother @cmcphers1 for a late bite to eat. I’ve been friends with Erin’s mom for many years. We went to school together and hung out often. Her and her husband have raised a wonderful girl. Erin is a sweetheart and has a lot of gratitude which I feel is so crucial in the pageant industry and in life. She’s genuine. She’s the real deal and I’m so happy for her!! She has a very bright future ahead of her! She’s definitely more than just a pretty face. 😊Shes going to rep Maine well on the big stage at the @missteenusa pageant!! If you have a minute.. Please Go show her some support at @missmeteenusa . . #stewartsmithphotography #missmaineteenusa #erinmcpherson #titleholder #beauty #beautiful #teenvogue #cosmogirl #seventeen #seventeenmagazine #gratitude #sweetheart

A post shared by Stewart Smith Photography (@stewartsmithphotography) on